Monday, October 31, 2011

October Recap

Today was a cross-training day, and I got my spin workout done pre-dawn (that's how I like to do 'em).

Thanks to those of you who offered opinions on the fueling question I asked in my last post. I decided to eat something before my long run (something being a couple handfuls of corn flakes and a packet of Shot Bloks) but didn't bring anything along. I got 12.1 hilly miles done in the allotted two hours and felt good. I'll have a new post on my Mario Lopez eating tomorrow. I'm a little scared to get on the scale. Let's just say the hands haven't stayed out of the Halloween candy and too many restaurants were patronized in the last week and a half.

Thanks also for the sympathy on my insomnia issue last week. I think I'm back on an even keel with that, but I admit to having trouble getting my light out before 10:30 p.m. I've definitely struggled with feeling rested enough as a consequence. Oh well! Something to work on this week. Life is like one those carnival games where you have the huge hammer and you try to get all the heads that pop out of the box to be down at once. There's always one you can't get to right away, but you have to keep trying.

Here's a recap of October:

--I ran about 103 miles. I say "about" because many runs were done without my Garmin, just by time and feel. The miles are inching back up now. This past week saw 27.1 miles, the month's highest. I'm hoping this training cycle will see me healthy enough to peak at 50-something miles for a couple of weeks in December.

--I missed only one session of weight training (on insomnia day, when I opted to stay home and take a nap between my run and going to work). I'm making progress toward my one chin-up goal. Tomorrow at weight training I may try to do one on my own. I don't expect success at that yet, but I should be closer.

--I've been a decently regular attendee at spin class, which I'm supposed to go to twice a week. Christine and I were disappointed to learn that Tammy isn't teaching our early class any more, but the new teachers have been fine (if not quite as helpful in the "awesome new music" department as Tammy was). I need to get better about going to this twice a week. Once a week I've been good, but by Wednesday, when I'm supposed to go again, the bed is feeling pretty nice at 5 a.m. I have no trouble getting up to run, but getting up to cross-train....a different story.....

--I reached my Houston Marathon fundraising goal of $500 for the Houston Food Bank. This is terrific not only because it's such a good cause but because it's my first time using my running to raise money for a cause and so many of you made it amazingly easy. At $526, I'm $74 away from the $600 level at which I have promised to do a giveaway of some local goodies (and I'm not just talking about food goodies). If you can help me get to $600, please go to my fundraising page and donate. A big THANKS AGAIN to all of you who have already given.

--I've done a reasonably good job sticking to the Mario Lopez Extra Lean Family eating plan. All the Halloween action this past weekend threw it for a loop, and we ate out twice as a family because others invited us. I feel like my favorite pair of work pants are a little tight. We'll see where my weight and body fat readings are tomorrow morning--I'll try not to stress about it, whatever it is (I WILL be honest with you guys, I promise!), and get back on the wagon until Thanksgiving Week throws us for another loop. (I missed last week's weigh-in due to insomnia day--I just forgot to get the scale out after my run and by the time I remembered it was what I consider too late in the day to get a reading comparable to what I usually do.) Really, the most important thing has been the change in my habits. I've cut way back on foraging for my lunch and snacks while at work and on scrambling to figure out what to feed my kids and husband on days I'm at home.

--I marked my one-year anniversary of the launch of my Boston quest, and this blog. Thanks again to everyone for all the support. Congratulations to all of you who ran this past weekend in races long and short.